Friday, March 06, 2009

Deyrolle! Devout vegans beware...

Deyrolle...taxidermy at its absolute finest!
...not that I would really know.  

Nevertheless, I stand firm that this place is simply stupendous and thus deserving of some really exceptional superlative, even when ranked against all of the other groovy, motif  'magasins' of the 6th arrondissement. 

The space itself is courtly and sleek and comes with a sense of humor. Tiger -maple and glass display cases line the walls and cloak the tables of the second floor, spotlighting a collection of methodically-arranged butterflies and other small-type specie: algae, crustacea and an insect-ae or two.  

And then, tigers and bears and lions and such !
... better than the zoo, which I find terribly depressing, reptile section aside. 

Each piece more masterfully done than the next, I simply couldn't resist a sneak stroke of Mustafa's nozzle, that which preserved a phenomenally credible appearance of moisture, thus conjuring images of an upwardly swooping tongue after a savory snack.  

And then there's the collection of quipster silk-screens... Any one would make a nifty birthday present for a beloved friend with a sense of humor and a good amount of available wall-space. 

And alas, behold the garden section. My mom would have a ball and even I, less the horticulture-type, found myself wanting to make a purchase from the selection of rustic pitch-forks and potting vessels.

Huff. Truth be told, I left the store with a sudden urge to skip home....also hoping that I, too, might one day own an adequately-sized,  Parisian-apartment in which to house a stuffed-zebra...or perhaps an ostrich at the very least... 

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