Well, I'm quite proud to say that i've alas walked the walk, in no small part thanks to the planning of one lovely man who packed the backpacks and printed out the trail maps.
Alas, after a 7 hours plane ride, a 2 hour drive and a 6 mile hike, full of trail-mix nibbles along the way, we happily arrived at the tremendous destination: Wildcat Camp in Point Reyes, CA. Lo and behold! A magnificent and seemingly endless field of brilliant, yellow wild flowers, overlooking a flawless span of beach front that also extended for miles. I was completely swept away. And, only 15 minute later, as we took our first elated gallop into the icy cold water, I was literally swept away by the powerful swoop of an oncoming wave. Retreat I did, and what better than a hike over to the dazzling Alamere Falls to make me forget my bruised right side?!
We climbed, we plucked fresh watercress, and we admired the waterfall as it basked in the warm glow of sunset. And then, upon returning to the camp site, I learned to pitch a tent and cook meat tortellini on an (adorable) little fuel camping stove: 25 pumps on the lever to build sufficient pressure inside the fuel tank and then light the flame, being very careful not to scorch your fingertips. I was full and wonderfully fatigued by the time we zipped into our sleeping bags with a thermos of hot coco to further soothe us to sleep.
The next day's adventure was equally as incredible. After another demanding hike out of Wildcat camp, followed by a restorative, sunny ride along the gorgeous Highway 1 and Bodega Bay area, we landed at our 2nd camp site, eager for another moonlit dinner. And this time, we would use the fire pit to roast our aluminum-wrapped fresh tilapia, flavored only with butter, parlsey sprigs, lemon juice and s&p. Perhaps a rather simple dish, yes, but I tasted the sea and the smoke nonetheless. It was all that I had hoped for.
And then, once again sublimely exhausted from another beautiful day, we pitched our tent on the beach, under a universe of shiny pearls. I fell asleep silently proclaiming, from here on out I most definitely Will hike the hike more often.